10 Easy Dairy and Gluten Substitutions to Try Now!

Summer starts this month, and we're all hoping to look amazing this bathing suit season...  

Regardless of whether or not you will be detoxing this summer, I really think it's worth it for everyone to start exploring with cutting back on diary and gluten (check out my blogs: 5 Reasons You Should Stop Consuming Dairy and Some Truth Behind this Gluten Free Trend ), and today I thought it would be helpful to give you a few ideas to make your dairy & gluten free experimentation a bit easier.  

Below are 10 easy swaps (5 gluten and 5 dairy substitutions) that I have started incorporating into my regular cooking.  Give these a shot, and please share some of your favorite gluten and dairy-free swaps!

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A Protein and Fiber Rich Breakfast to Give You Energy All Morning

Most of you know that my favorite breakfast is a green smoothie, but its important to switch it up a bit.  What's important to keep in mind is that you need a good dose of protein, healthy fats and fiber in each meal, especially in the morning.  This helps keep you full, it keeps your blood sugar stable, and of course, it supports proper digestion.

While I have found that a "super-food" protein smoothie is my go-to solution, I often crave something warm and more hearty.  On those days, I usually go for a warm bowl of oatmeal.  However, as I started paying closer attention to my body and how it feels after different meals, I came to realize that my beloved oatmeal usually didn't keep me full long enough, and I was often feeling tired two hours after my breakfast.  Why?  Because while plain oatmeal has some fiber and protein, it's just not enough on it's own, and if you add sugar or honey (as I did) without adding more fiber or healthy fats, it can cause a spike in your blood sugar.  So I started playing around with my oatmeal to make it a better, more wholesome (and more delicious!) breakfast. 

Here is one example that I came up with recently, and absolutely love! It's a gluten-free, protein- and fiber-rich, multi-seed, and delicious oatmeal recipe:  Quinoa, Millet & Chia Oatmeal.

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Deconstructing Cravings: What Is Your Body Telling You?

It’s funny how all of us get very frustrated by our intense cravings.  We can’t control them, we give in to them, and then we feel guilty.  It happens to all of us.  For many people especially women, its chocolate and sweet desserts.  For other’s it's salty and greasy foods.  But what most people don’t know is that there is a good reason for those cravings!

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5 Reasons You Should Stop Consuming Dairy

Since childhood, we are told to drink lots of milk in order to grow, and we keep drinking milk as we get older because we need it for our bones, right?  And then of course there is the huge propaganda of "Got Milk?" in the US, that no doubt has encouraged people to keep drinking milk, making us believe that we need it, in order to get our much needed calcium and vitamin D.

So why are people starting to cut down on dairy?  Why are many nutritionists and holistic doctors talking about dairy as being potentially harmful to adults? 

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Looking for a Healthy Recipe that's Perfect for a Rainy Day?

We all have our days when we need some comfort food, and that's OK!  So I have come up with a healthy recipe that is still comforting and hearty, something that keeps my belly warm and happy on a cold or rainy day.  Or for the ladies, this recipe is great for that time of the month!   

My version of this is a Hearty Minestrone Soup.  I've kept it vegetarian so that anyone can enjoy, but feel free to add some ground turkey or grass-fed beef if you feel you need it.  I personally like to top off my soup with some sliced avocado for some added healthy fat.

Have this for lunch or dinner, although I find that a soup is the perfect meal for the evening time, as its easier to digest.  And in this case, just one bowl can get you full - so you avoid over-eating at dinner time. 

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Four Key Supplements for Everyone

If you are one of those people that believes in getting your nutrients from your food instead of from pills...well, so am I!  When I first started seeing a nutritionist a few years back and she started telling me to take vitamin C, a probiotic and some yucky tasting multi-vitamins, I was REALLY hesitant.  And while I listened to her initially and took some of the recommended vitamins, I quickly gave up because I didn't really understand WHY I should be taking them and how necessary they were.  Plus, they were expensive, annoying to take, and its not like I noticed a difference anyway.

The thing is, I hadn't really cleaned up my diet the way I have now, and of course, I didn't take the supplements long enough in combination with a clean diet to notice any difference.  But the fact of the matter is, if you are taking something, you need to understand why.  

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Some truth behind this Gluten-Free trend

There is a huge craze around gluten and going gluten-free, but I have found that many people don't know exactly what has gluten, nor why they should (or shouldn't) go gluten-free.  Many people wonder: Is "gluten-free" just another weight-loss trend?  Is there really any need to eliminate gluten if you're not allergic to it?

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My Favorite Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

By popular demand and as a follow-up to my Beginners Smoothie Guide from last month, today I'm sharing some easy and super healthy smoothie recipes that I make almost every morning.  These smoothies make a filling and delicious breakfast that will keep your blood sugar stable, rev up your metabolism, and serve as a great tool for weight loss.  Plus, they're quick to make and easy to take on the go!

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Tips for Traveling and Staying Healthy Abroad

As it's Holy Week and Spring Break is around the corner, I thought it would be relevant to touch upon Healthy Traveling!  No - its not an oxymoron, and it actually is possible!  Of course it’s hard for all of us (myself included) to stay super healthy and focused when traveling, but I have found little ways to make it better, to keep it pretty healthy while still enjoying my vacation.  

Here are my top 5 tips for traveling:

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Want to Feel Lighter and Healthier? Keep Your Gut Healthy!

Most people know this is a topic dear to my heart.  I have suffered from digestive issues for as long as I can remember, and so have spent most of my focus within my nutrition studies on learning about improving digestion.  And it always leads me to the same place... to learning more about the human gut and its overall importance.  Because it all starts there.  

I won't bore you with too many details, but I do want to share just a few data points and some applicable tips to start incorporating now!

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Easy Weeknight Quinoa & Tempeh Salad

One of the key things I try to teach my clients is that healthy cooking doesn't have to be complicated.  It doesn't have to be a chore.  And you don't need to be a chef.  But like everything, it gets easier with practice.

So I'm going to start sharing with you some healthy and easy recipes. Here is an easy weeknight salad dish that I love:

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The Importance of Exercise

One of the top questions I get asked is, “What is more important - diet or exercise?”  So I thought I’d address the topic of food vs. exercise today.

Honestly, food is everything.  Eating a really clean diet made up of whole foods, where you incorporate a wide variety of vegetables and fruits every day, combined with some clean organic protein, whole grains and healthy fats is ABSOLUTELY KEY.  Our bodies need the vitamins and minerals that we get from these foods.  And to be healthy, we need to stop ingesting all of these fake, processed products and chemicals that our bodies don't recognize, and end up rejecting (think allergies and headaches) or storing as fat.

Clean eating can change your life, and help you to avoid serious health conditions down the road (ranging from high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart failure to cancer).  It’s also the best way to heal yourself from these conditions.

But that said, our bodies need to move!  

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A Morning Routine to Start Off Your Day Right

While I've never been much of a morning person, I've come to realize that my morning routine is key for setting the tone of my day.  My Monday morning can even impact my whole week.  When I start off right, I get energized and feel motivated to continue my day, and week, in a healthy way.  So I wanted to share with you a morning routine that I practice regularly to keep me on track and feeling amazing.

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Coffee - Good or Bad?

Many friends and clients have asked me about coffee.  They often start with: "I NEED my coffee...do I have to cut it out to be healthy??"  And I like to say no, but I believe it's important for my clients to be informed.  It really depends on each person's relationship with coffee.  If you can't live without coffee in the morning, drink 1-2 cups each morning, and then need it after each meal, it's a sign that you might be addicted.  That in itself should be a red flag.

That said, most of us (especially those of us that love our coffee) have heard the health benefits of coffee and swear by its unique ability to get us up in the morning.  So what's the whole story?  Why can it be bad?  Why do many strict diets / detoxes prohibit coffee?

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Struggling With Your Salads? Try These Simple Home-made Dressings

One of the most common things I get asked is what to use for salad dressings.  Most people know the numerous health benefits of eating a large, colorful bowl of raw veggies, but they also recognize that most of the salad dressings in restaurants, or worse, the pre-packaged bottles sold in supermarkets, are usually not the healthiest choices.

So what do I recommend?

Making your own dressing is always the best way to go, and doesn't have to be complicated.  

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Did You Know...? 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of those old-school kitchen ingredients that has so many wonderful uses and beneficial properties that many of us nowadays have no idea about.  So I'm here to help spread that wisdom, sharing a few tips that will hopefully send you straight to the supermarket to get yourself a bottle!

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A Cleansing Red Smoothie for Valentines

While I don’t particularly like the excessive marketing around Valentines Day, it is nice to share the spirit of LOVE, and to get in the mood with a nice red dress or lipstick.  Another idea is starting your Valentines Day with a nice healthy red smoothie.  I've recently tried adding beets to my smoothies, and it tastes amazing, giving the smoothie a nice added sweetness.  And apart from giving off a nice red color and sweet flavor, beets are surprisingly nutritious!

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Thank You Yoga

Every night this year, I've been taking a few minutes to jot down what I'm thankful for, and I've realized that YOGA has come up a lot.  Every day that I practice yoga, I feel the need to express my gratitude for my newfound practice.  I know my yogi-followers will concur, but I also wanted to share this with all of you who haven't yet introduced yoga into your lives, as I urge you to give it a shot.

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5 Tips For A Flat Belly

Are you struggling to get rid of that little bulge at the waistline of your jeans, that stubborn roll of fat that seems to become a bigger problem as the years go on? Too many people (especially women) think cutting calories for a week or two, and maybe doing some ab exercises, is the answer to eliminating their muffin-top, but time and again we find that it's not enough.

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Eating Out A Lot? Tips On Restaurant Dining

Nowadays, meeting up with friends and family seems to always be centered around food.  Most of our social gatherings are at restaurants as it's fun, and also convenient to avoid the hassle of cooking and cleaning.  But most of us know that restaurants specialize in making food look and taste delicious, not in making the food healthy.  Plus, there are more temptations than at home, and it's more difficult to exercise self-restraint in a social setting.  So naturally, a lot of people freak out about eating out when they're trying to be healthier and lose weight.

The good news is- it's totally possible to eat out and avoid packing on the pounds.  

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