11 Steps for an Empowered Life

I recently listened to a wonderful podcast on 10 steps for a powerful birth (from Taking Back Birth – highly recommended podcast for anyone pregnant) and I realized two things: One, that I was already doing everything (thankfully, as its all complete in line with what I believe in), and two, most importantly, that these 10 steps apply to everyone for life in general, for men and women, parents or not. I’ve taken these recommendations, tweaked them a bit and added an important one, in order to share with you 11 steps that hopefully will inspire you to be more present, more conscious, more healthy, balanced, and live your life to the fullest.

These are principles that I’ve gradually introduced into my life since I started my health coaching / self-help / self-love journey, that I’ve done my best to live true to, and feel have helped me so much so far. Hopefully you’re already doing some of these things, but its such a powerful reminder that I hope will motivate you and get you back on track. 

Here are 11 inspiring steps for living a healthy, balanced, empowered life:

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1.      Feed your body well. This can vary person to person, but here are my main philosophies that I try to follow: Eat primarily whole foods (minimizing all packaged, processed foods), eat mostly plant based (vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, etc) and small amounts of animal products (raised organically if possible) if you choose. Eat the rainbow, filling your plates with variety of different colored foods (primarily colorful vegetables). Always eat lots of fiber, healthy fats and some protein, and try to avoid processed carbs. Eat organic and fresh where possible, and home cooked meals as much as possible. Eat mindfully, chew well, and listen to your body. Limit foods that you personally don’t digest well (in my case, I feel best limiting my gluten and dairy intake, for example). You can read much more about my nutrition tips in my blog & instagram, just always remember that it is an individual journey. In general I recommend avoiding extremes (including strict diets and calorie-counting), and instead, making your healthy diet a daily, long-term lifestyle.

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2.      Be in nature as often as possible. Get your feet on the earth, sand, water, and just be with nature (in silence if possible), embracing its beauty, power and legacy. I personally try to take a walk in nature at least once a week, especially on the beach over the weekends.

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3.      Study and learn what interests you. When it comes to birth, its about reading and learning the amount that you want/that you feel you need. When it comes to life, just read and learn about all topics that interest you. Knowledge is power. I believe it helps to constantly engage our brain in books and activities that keep our brain healthy. And moreover, finding work (or ways to spend our time) that is engaging and meaningful to us. When we don’t feel purpose in life, we have less energy, less excitement and less motivation to be healthy and to live life fully.

4.      Spend 10-20 minutes in silence every day. It can be your walk in nature. It can be 10-15 minutes of meditation in the morning as I do on my balcony first thing every day. it can be 15 minutes of journaling. When we’re in silence, it’s when we’re best able to tap into our intuition (and if you’re spiritual/religious, I truly believe that we hear messages from God / our spirit guides when we’re still and quiet).

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5.      Regularly reflect, journal, dream, pray – to connect within. We live in the go-go-go mode, focusing on doing, but we often don’t take enough time to reflect, be grateful, to acknowledge our progress, to dream and to journal about our dreams and our fears. All these things are super important for living a more present, fulfilling and powerful life.

6.      Do things that bring you pleasure (and help you destress) every day. In other words, release oxytocin everyday, many times a day by doing activities you enjoy – be it singing, dancing, writing, painting, taking beautiful pictures, creating art, moving your body, and/or physical connection with others. Hug someone every day. Make love. Connect with friends. Anything that you enjoy and relaxes you.

For me, the things that most bring me joy and relieve my stress are 1) my fitness classes with other women (both teaching and receiving barre and yoga), 2) cooking delicious healthy meals, 3) walking on the beach - especially with my husband, 4) dancing (especially when slightly tipsy!) and 5) hugging my husband - which I do almost daily.

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7.      Spend QUALITY TIME with those you love, in particular, your partner/spouse if you have one. Try to do this every week, and if possible, every day. Connect, share your thoughts/dreams/fears, and also, be together in silence, touching, cuddling, making love and/or just holding hands.

8.      Do your internal work. Face your fears and traumas. Talk about them and don’t let them stop you from moving forward. This takes courage and dedication but it’s always worth it. Take some time to regularly ask yourself: What am I afraid of? What is holding me back from reaching my goals? Be honest with yourself and JOT IT DOWN. If you’re open to it, work with a coach or therapist. Work through worst- and best-case scenarios around your fears. Usually it helps to just realize that millions of others have been through whatever we are experiencing/ fearing.

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9.      Visualize your dreams in detail. Try doing a vision board. As a bonus, start acting as if your dream is a close reality. I learned this from the awesome book “You are a badass”. At worst, even if things don’t work out as you hoped, there is no downside to picturing it and living it as much as possible. Most of the time, this helps our dreams come true. Worst case, things go a bit differently but we learn from it. I personally did a vision board in 2015 and by 2019 I realized I had basically achieved everything on that board (in its own way and own timing). I did another one in 2019 and so far things are coming to life…

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10. Be positive. Set the intention to reduce negativity and invite positivity into your life. Always believe in yourself and in your best-case scenarios, your dreams. We can achieve so much more that we realize if we believe in it. Surround yourself with positive people that inspire you and support you.

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11. Build a healthy morning routine. Properly NOURISH your body and brain first thing in the morning. I once read that almost all “extremely successful” people have a solid morning routine (which is part of their success), and I 100% believe that. I personally feel so much more productive yet simultaneously relaxed, balanced and happy since I developed my non-negotiable morning routine (which undoubtedly will have to shift a bit when I have my baby, but that’s OK and i’ll rebuild it to fit my new lifestyle as needed). HERE are my tips for a healthy morning routine.

Hope you put some real thought into these 11 steps, doing them your own way, at you own time. And please feel free to comment and add anything that has helped you. Lastly, thank you for allowing me to have this space to share my thoughts and tid-bits of acquired knowledge and experience with you; it is a blessing for me!

WIshing you always a happy, HEALTHY, fulfilled life,
