Why A Detox Is Right For You

We live in a world where we are constantly ingesting toxic materials, from the harsh chemicals in cleaning products, in our beauty products, our cookware, unfiltered drinking water, and most importantly, in the food we eat.

While our body has its own natural ability to flush out what we don't need, and absorb the nutrients we need, our bodies also get exhausted when they're overloaded with toxins. Everyone living in this modern world needs to give their body a short break here and there for optimal functioning.  

If we don't have the right nutrients to naturally detoxify - if daily stress, overload of chemicals, bacteria and/or parasites in our gut - are impeding our ability to absorb our nutrients, then our body can't cope with all these toxins, and our body ends up retaining toxins and fat.

Scared about detoxing? Don't be!

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Here are 5 important reasons why cleansing (with a nutrient-dense detox) is beneficial:

1. Cleansing is an ancient art of healing, and has been practiced for years and years (for a reason!). It gets your body on track to heal itself.

2. Cleansing works like a RESET button for your system, removing toxins in your blood and fat cells, and easing the load on your body, therefore increasing your energy.

3. Cleansing (if done properly) will help restore the proper biological environment in your gut, where healthy bacteria (probiotics) can grow. At the same time, it helps to starve the bad bacteria, yeasts and parasites that may exist unknowingly in your stomach and gut.

4. Cleansing also helps you get in touch with your body, teaching you to listen to the subtle messages that your body is giving you. A proper detox/cleanse will REBOOT your system. And you'll notice that it will help clean your skin, boost your energy, remove brain fog, and of course, lose any excess weight.  It will also help you IDENTIFY your food sensitivities, and start your track towards eliminating these sensitivities. 

5. Cleansing with the right nutrient-dense foods will help you overcome your cravings.



  • little symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, aching muscles, bloating or gas
  • more chronic issues including asthma, irritable bowl, acne, reflux, hormonal imbalance, arthritis, and any autoimmune disease

A good detox has been known to help cure all of these symptoms!


So what is the best and easiest way to detox?

Honestly, that depends on the person. There are many ways to cleanse your body, and it doesn't require starving yourself.

Some people like doing pure juice cleanses for a week. I personally believe in chewing most of your food so I'm not a huge fan, and only recommend juice cleanses if you're careful not to put too much fruit in the juices- they should be primarily veggies, herbs, and low-glycemic fruit. The right juice cleanse can be great at providing nutrients and reducing the digestive load, but I strongly recommend following any juice cleanse by a food-based detox so that you don't "re-tox" too quickly.

I personally prefer doing food-based cleanses, where I continue to eat normal foods, but I eliminate all foods that exhaust the digestive system, primarily SUGAR, as well as caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods - for a few days (or weeks). I eat an easy-to-digest breakfast (ex. green protein smoothie) and a relatively easy-to-digest dinner (ex. vegetable soup or large salad), and I allow two hours to digest dinner before going to bed, and 12 hours between dinner and breakfast.

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A key part of cleansing/detoxing (in my book) is to eat lots and lots of liver-cleansing veggies and herbs, some clean & organic protein in each meal, and lots of healthy fats, while avoiding hard-to-digest foods and common allergenic triggers. And of course, it's important to drink lots of water, get enough sleep, take the right vitamins, and a probiotic supplement every day.

When I detox, I also like to prioritize daily exercise, meditation, and simple detox practices like dry brushing and tongue scraping. I'm extra careful to avoid using beauty products with harmful chemicals, and plastics for storing food. I make an effort to clean out my bathroom and kitchen cabinets, at least a little bit, getting rid of as much of the old, dirty junk as possible and replacing it with better, more natural, chemical-free alternatives. It feels amazing and I highly suggest you try doing at least a few of these things.

A DETOX like this has a ton of potential benefits, including: weight loss, and helping to: boost your immune system, prevent chronic disease, slow down ageing, increase energy, clear up your skin, improve your sleep, boost your mental clarity and memory, stabilize your mood and emotions, and balance all of your body's systems - hormonal system, digestive system and even your nervous system.

The good news is, it's really not that difficult! But like everything, it requires determination and helps if you have someone to do it with you for support.  You only need to cleanse for 7 days or 10 days and your body will thank you. 

If you'd like some guidance and support on doing a one-week or 10-day detox/cleanse, reach out to me at ms@balancewithmariana.com.  I started doing them 3 years ago, and they have been a huge game changer for me. 

I am launching a 10 day detox on Monday October 16th. The holidays are just around the corner, and this detox will provide the reset you need to get your body back in tip-top shape (and at your ideal weight) before the year-end holidays! DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS THIS FRIDAY OCTOBER 13th. Email me at ms@balancewithmariana.com with any questions.

Love & Detox,
