3 Steps To A Better Life

This week was an emotion-filled one for me.  I was faced with lots of things that made me tap into my intuition, looking inside myself for answers.  

I've realized that extraordinary things are happening everyday around us, but sometimes we notice them more than others, and that's when we stop to ask ourselves- what does it all mean?  What impact does it have on my life, and what should I do about it?

Last week, a family member of mine passed away, which filled me with sadness, but even more so, with a desire to REALLY live my life.  It was a reminder that life can be shorter than we expect.  It made me think... What can I do now to make the life I live be as complete and happy as possible?

So I asked myself a few questions:  Do I feel great right now?  Am I happy with my life?  Am I enjoying my work?  Do I love my body and give it the care it deserves?  Am I enjoying the friends and family around me, and appreciating their amazing presence in my life?

The great thing for me was that I came up with positive answers.  The changes I've made in my life over the past 2 years have been really good for me, and I realized, they're all based on choices that I made.  Not luck.  No passive anything.  Difficult, conscious decisions.

So I want to remind you today that YOU HAVE CHOICES, and you should be aware of that, and grateful.  Ask yourself these questions, and make some good choices.  Take action where it's most needed so that you're answering YES to all these questions above.

What helped me with my choices was a lot of self reflection, and taking some action, day by day.  So I want to share with you 3 easy steps for you to apply TODAY to help you get closer to living your fullest, happiest life:

  1. WRITE A LOVE NOTE.  Think about the people in your life that have contributed to the greatness in your life, and write them a message telling them how grateful you are to have them in your life.  It's a simple gesture that will mean a lot to them, and will make you feel amazing when you do it.  For today, just choose one person.  But ideally, we should be doing this exercise on a regular basis.  Life's too short, and it's so important to express our love.

  2. PRIORITIZE YOUR BODY.  Your body, your organs, your cells, it's everything.  It’s your key to a healthy vibrant life, so taking care of it is so important.  Take a moment to think about your body and your health.  If there is anything about your health that isn't doing so great and you know could be better, then do something about it!  Too many people are getting complacent about not feeling great all day, because they're not prioritizing their health.  But we have the power to change that, and feel our best.  So choose one thing you can do today, be it go to that gym class that you know will make you feel great, cook a healthy meal, or make an appointment with your doctor and/or health coach to see how you can improve your health.

  3. HAVE PATIENCE, AND LET GO OF PERFECTION.  Having patience - with yourself and others - will help you let go of frustration and self-criticism.  (This is a big one for me, and one that I really try to focus on).  People live longer and happier lives when they focus on the good, on all the positive things in life, and not dwell on the negatives.  So start learning to accept yourself, and love who you are, because you are amazing.  For today, make it a point to stop complaining, stop stressing, and instead take 5 mins to remind yourself why you are amazing.   

While I answered yes to all my questions, it was also a reminder that I need to stay focused on maintaining this happiness, day in and day out.  I need to continue eating healthy and exercising to stay as healthy, vibrant, focused, energetic, flexible, active, and pain-free as possible.  And I don't know about you, but I want to practice these 3 steps every week (maybe every day!), because life is short and we need to make sure we make the most of it.

So take action and send that love note to someone special in your life, book the appointment with your doctor, nutritionist or trainer, and be patient with yourself and those in your life.  

Love, Patience and Vibrant Health,
