One Day Reset Plan

During the holiday season, we get jammed with (usually fun) events, but that also means less time for relaxing, for exercise, for healthy cooking, and implies lots of food and booze (for most of us).

So what can we do to maintain a balance, to avoid gaining weight and feeling heavy, and to keep up our wellness game?

For general wellness tips to help you refocus and reset, I recommend:

  • Making time for yourself – pencil it in as you do an important meeting

  • Being present and really connecting with others (make a note/intention to connect with one person every day over the holidays, over coffee/lunch, whatever it may be)

  • Drinking tons of water throughout your day

  • Offering to bring healthy dishes to your holiday house lunches/dinners/parties

  • Keeping up with your exercise as much as possible. If you’re on vacation, be creative and switch it up. There are tons of options for exercise regardless of where you are, so no excuses!

  • Starting your day with a light, healthy breakfast (even if that’s just a green juice for you) but make it something healthy that keeps you satiated until lunch. My go-to is a green protein smoothie

  • Choosing a few days a week to not have any alcohol or sugar. Even if it’s just one day a week, commit to what you can and give your body that mini-break

  • Commiting to sleeping your 7-9 hours every day. If you stay out late one night, try to sleep in the next day or squeeze in a short nap or longer meditation the next day. And keep those late nights to a minimum.

  • Spending time in nature. Go for a walk on the beach/mountains/park nearby or whatever is accessible to you

  • Doing a “one-day” reset at some point during your holiday- see below - and try a longer 7 day or 10 day detox in the new year!

A ONE DAY RESET can do wonders for your body and overall health during this holiday season (and whenever you feel you need it, especially after a few too many events and nights out). It can help with temporary symptoms such as bloating, constipation weight gain, insomnia and low energy.

Here is a great, simple yet effective ONE DAY RESET PLAN that has worked for me (and many clients):

Upon waking: Drink a full glass of room temperature water. Brush your teeth, get dressed, then enjoy a cup of warm water with lemon (I use about ½ lemon freshly squeezed in 8-12 oz of water). Feel free to add a pinch of turmeric and ginger, too. This helps to stimulate your digestion and get your hydrated first thing (so key!).

Take a moment for silence/reflection. Step outside (I like to sit in my balcony, surrounded by plants) and sit on a chair or meditation pillow and try doing 10-15 minutes of meditation. Why outside? Because getting even just 5 minutes of sunlight in the morning can help reset your circadian rhythm and energize you for the day.

I like to start my meditation practice by taking a few deep breaths, then either repeat a mantra or do a mental body scan, and often count count my breaths to help me stay present. Find whatever works for you. I love using Insight Timer’s meditation app which is great for beginners and pros. You can use the timer or listen to a guided meditation. If you’re already have an established meditation practice, do whatever works for you, and for the time that you need.

Breakfast: Start your day with an easy-to-digest yet metabolism-boosting green smoothie. It’s the best way to get greens in your day first thing. I’m a fan of a green protein smoothie with very little fruit, a few servings of greens (about 2-3) and some healthy fats, to keep my blood sugar stable. I’ll provide a basic recipe that works well for me (and tons of my clients) – but if you’re NOT a breakfast person and your body feels best with just fluids in the morning, do a light cold-pressed green juice (with celery, cucumber, leafy greens, lemon, ginger and a small piece of fruit) instead of the smoothie.

Balance with Mariana’s basic green protein smoothie:



  • handful of spinach or kale (about 1 cup)

  • ¼ to ½ a zucchini (peeled if not organic) + a slice or two of cucumber

  • ½ cup frozen blueberries (ex. wild organic blueberries) or swap for 3/4 green apple

  • 1 teaspoon ground flaxseed

  • 2 tablespoons healthy fats: either avocado flesh, coconut, nut butter or chia pudding (my favorites are coconut and almond as they help give it a yummy taste)

  • 1 inch freshly peeled ginger

  • Pinch of cinnamon and/or pumpkin pie spice (I use about ¼ tsp combined)

  • Optional: ½ tsp pure spirulina or chlorella or E3live or 1 tsp mixed green superfood powder of choice

  • Coconut water as needed (Don’t have coconut water? Use normal water, or combine water with unsweetened almond milk or other nut/seed milk.)

Note: I usually include a scoop of vegan protein powder in my smoothies, but for this one-day reset, I’ve kept it simple, just veggies, low-glycemic fruit and healthy fats (that also contain some protein).

Mid-morning: enjoy a green tea (if you tolerate caffeine, or a chamomile tea otherwise) , with a splash of almond milk (optional). If you are hungry, have a small handful of raw walnuts and/or almonds with your tea. This will keep your blood sugar stable and help calm cravings (and keep you energized yet calm)

Lunch: A large salad with a homemade Tahini dressing., packed with all the macro and micro nutrients you need to help your body with detoxification.

Rainbow Detox Salad:


  • 2-3 cups of mixed leaves of choice (I like to mix gourmet lettuces and thinly sliced kale leaves)

  • ¼ cup cherry tomatoes

  • About ½ cup shredded red/purple cabbage

  • A few thin slices of radishes

  • ¼ cup cooked quinoa or gluten-free grain of choice (optional)

  • ¼ - ½ cup cooked chickpeas or black beans or lentils

  • A few slices of avocado (about ¼ of a small avocado)

  • Sprinkle of pumpkin seeds and a drizzle of tahini dressing

Tahini Lemon Dressing: 1 tbsp tahini + 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil + 1 -2 tsp fresh lemon juice + pinch of ground turmeric and pinch of cayenne pepper (optional) + sea salt and pepper to taste

one day reset salad.jpeg

After lunch: a small hot mint tea or ginger tea with a few drops of fresh lemon – to aid with digestion

Move your body: At some point in your day, make sure to SWEAT. Do some power yoga, barre, power walk or jog, whatever you enjoy that doesn’t stress you out.  Then take a long shower after, where you take your time washing up, with love and non-toxic products.

Mid-afternoon: a large glass of water - make sure to be drinking water all day long – and another tea of choice (caffeine-free). If you need something else, have a small piece of fruit (ex. small apple, pear, or ½ cup berries or papaya) but do your best to avoid snacking and instead have an early dinner.

Dinner: 4-5 oz wild salmon (or wild/local fish of choice) or organic chicken with 1 – 2 cup(s) of broccoli, cauliflower and/or brussels sprouts (cruciferous veggies are great for detoxification) + ¼ -½ cup sweet potato or other grounding root vegetable.

Note: Keep the meal simple and balanced, and ideally cooked (not raw) for dinner. For the vegetables, opt for steamed and lightly sautéed, or baked


After dinner: enjoy a small hot mint, ginger, or hibiscus tea with a few drops of fresh lemon.

Before bed, try a five-minute meditation and/or take some a few minutes to write in a journal. Reflect on the positives in your day and the things you’re grateful for.

Then take a magnesium supplement (powder like Natural Calm, capsule, or even in the form of an Epsom salt bath) to help you relax and get a good night's sleep. Plus it helps with your bowel movements the next day!

You can do this one-day-reset as often as you'd like over the next couple of weeks/months. It should help mitigate any negative side effects of indulging a bit too much, but without placing focus on restriction nor calorie counting, and still allowing you to enjoy the holidays with family and friends.