My Favorite Non-Toxic Hair Products for Gorgeous Hair

I get a lot of questions about my hair and what I do to take care of it. Plus, with recent heightened stress and anxiety levels (and common hormonal imbalances), more people are experiencing hair loss. For these reasons, I’m sharing some of my best tips to take care of your hair health and my favorite nontoxic hair products.

First, remember beauty comes from the inside out. I recommend to start by improving your nutrition and lifestyle to heal your gut, manage your stress and balance your hormones. This will have a huge positive impact on your beauty, including your hair.

While everyone is different, for beautiful hair in general I suggest loading up on whole-unprocessed foods, primarily plant-based with plenty plant-based proteins and unprocessed healthy fats. That’s my number one recommendation. To be more specific: eat more plants, less animal. Eat more vegetables. Eat more unprocessed healthy fats (avocados, coconut, nuts and seeds). Small amounts of animal products loaded with b-vitamins and healthy fats, such as fatty fish and grass-fed meats, is also beneficial (as long as you’re eating a whole foods diet that is more than 50% plant-based). Taking a good quality b-complex is also hugely beneficial, as is a collagen supplement. Lastly, constant HYDRATION is essential.

Read more for my hair health nutrition tips HERE.

On top of that, we want to give LOVE to our hair, and for that, it’s essential to make the switch to non-toxic products. We need to get rid of the parabens and sulfates and cut back on the fragrances. Why? These harmful chemicals in our products create hormonal imbalances that are a leading cause of weak, dull hair and hair loss. Plus, most chemical-ladden beauty products are just bad for your health, period!

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Start by making gradual switches. When you’re done with your current shampoo/conditioner, switch to a non-toxic one. Additionally, I highly suggest using a clean, non-toxic hair scrub and a hair mask once a week. My favorite place to shop for “clean” haircare is the detox market.

Here are some of the best nontoxic hair products that I recommend:


Plastic free options:


Deep conditioning masks:


Others (for occasional use):

Try to schedule one day of the week where you treat yourself to a hair scrub and/or a hair mask. You can leave it on while you work from home 😊. It’s doable if you make it a priority, and your gorgeous hair will thank you!