Multi-Seed Chocolate Protein Granola (recipe in ENGLISH & SPANISH)

I’m a HUGE fan of granola, but the reality is that most granolas are NOT healthy. Most are packed with sugar and consist primarily of oats, making them very high in carbs and lacking in protein and healthy fats - so they’re very likely to create a big spike in your blood sugar.

Luckily, granola is fun and simple to make, and it’s easier than you think to make it lower carb, lower sugar, and higher in protein, fiber and healthy fats (which is KEY for a healthy snack and/or breakfast, and supportive of blood sugar balance).

NOTE: If you’re too lazy to make your own or just don’t have the time (I get you!), scroll to the bottom for some suggestions of cleaner, lower sugar granolas that you can buy.

For this recipe, I swap out some oats for high fiber seeds and seed-like-grains that are higher in protein (and naturally gluten-free) and often considered “superfoods” for all the nutrients they contain. I also add some vegan protein powder for an extra boost of protein, and I limit the sweetener that I use.

For an every lower sugar version, swap the organic honey or maple syrup for Lakanto syrup which is a monk fruit based syrup. (I like to do 2 tablespoons Lakanto syrup and 3-4 tablespoons organic raw honey).

*Note: I also provide my recipe in SPANISH (see below)

A quick note on the BENEFITS of the KEY INGREDIENTS:

*Mix of buckwheat, quinoa and millet: These 3 are my favorite grains (which are actually not grains, they are seeds that are “like” grains) and are great substitutes to other grains that may contain gluten and are lower in protein. These 3 seeds are very high in protein and fiber, and loaded with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. They can help prevent diabetes and support heart health, and are lower glycemic vs. other more traditional grains.

*Mix of nuts and seeds: Almonds, cashews, pumpkin, chia and flax seeds are all awesome sources of protein and fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals like magnesium.

*Cacao is extremely rich in antioxidants and magnesium, and is great for boosting our mood! Read more on why I eat chocolate regularly!

Suggestions for enjoying this healthy protein and fiber packed granola (for a healthy snack and/or breakfast):

Chunky Chocolate Buckwheat & Seed Protein Granola

Ingredients (makes 7-8 cups):


  1. Preheat oven to 325°F / 165°C. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.

  2. In a large mixing bowl combine soaked/drained buckwheat (or grain mix), oats, coconut, almonds, cashews, chia, flax and pumpkin seeds, protein powder and cacao. (Option to first chop almonds in half).

  3. Mix coconut oil (make sure it’s liquid first), honey or maple syrup, and vanilla. Whisk to combine.

  4. Pour liquid ingredients over dry, and mix. Note: If it’s not sticky or moist enough, option to add 1 extra tablespoon of hoeny and 1 more of coconut oil.

  5. Spread mixture out in an even layer on 2 lined baking sheets and press firmly a spatula to ensure the mixture is compact. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, flip granola in large chunks, and place back in oven to bake for another 10 minutes. Stir, check to see if its ready (taste it!), otherwise return for another 5 minutes. Store in large glass mason jars.


Granola de trigo sarraceno, semillas y chocolate (alto en proteína)

Ingredientes (rinde 7-8 tazas):

  • 1 1/4 taza de trigo sarraceno - o mix de quinoa, mijo y trigo sarraceno (dejar remojando toda la noche)*

  • 1 taza de avena integral*

  • 1 ½ tazas de coco rallado 

  • 1 ½ tazas almendras (crudas sin sal)

  • 1 taza semillas de marañon (crudas sin sal)

  • ½ taza semillas de calabaza (crudas sin sal)

  • ¼ taza semillas de lino (linaza entera)

  • ¼ taza semillas de chía

  • ½ cucharadita sal rosada fina

  • 1/3 taza de cacao en polvo*

  • 2 scoops proteína sabor chocolate 

  • 1/3 taza de miel o jarabe de arce*

  • 1/3 taza de aceite de coco*

  • 1 ½ cucharaditas extracto puro de vainilla*

*usar orgánico en lo posible 


  1. Calentar el horno a 325°F / 165°C. Forrar 2 bandejas con paper pergamino.

  2. En un tazón grande combinar el trigo sarraceno (o mix de granos), la avena, las almendras, semillas de marañon, chía, calabaza y linaza entera. Agregar proteína de chocolate, cacao en polvo, y sal.

  3. Aparte, mezclar el aceite de coco con la miel y vainilla.

  4. Agregar los ingredientes líquidos sobre la mezcla seca y revolver bien. *Si está muy seco, agregar 1 cda más de miel y 1 de aceite de coco.

  5. Extender la mezcla en una capa uniforme sobre 2 bandejas de hornear forrada de papel pergamino, y presionar con una espátula. Hornear 15 minutos. Retirar del horno, voltear la granola en trozos grandes, y colocar en el horno otros 10 minutos. Revolver y si hace falta, meter otros 5 mins más. Guardar en frascos de vidrio grandes. 

For those of you that prefer to just buy your granola, here are a few options I like that are lower in sugar and higher in protein:

Struesli Organic Granola Redefined (organic, no sweeteners, cleanest ingredients but its simple)

Purely Elizabeth Grain-Free Granola (clean ingredients, sweetened with a little coconut sugar)

Paleonola Grain Free Granola (clean ingredients, sweetened with maple syrup)

Wildway Grain Free Granola (sweetened with dates)

NuTrail Granola - Cacao (keto, no sugar added, contains whey)

Livlo Granolo Keto Granola (no sugar added)

ratio Keto Coconut Almond Granola (keto, no sugar added, contains soy and whey protein)